
For Doctors

Email Referral

Patient referrals can be emailed directly to Hollywood Rheumatology via the link below. All referrals will be triaged within 3-5 business days, and the patient will be contacted directly.

Direct Medical
Software Transfer

We prefer all medical correspondence, including referrals, to be sent by secure electronic messaging via HeathLink. Our HealthLink EDI is: markreed

Two Options

Sending us a referral directly


Option 1: Upload via Contact Us Form & or Email Submission

Access the Referral Submission Form

Please include patient contact details on the referral, and any relevant investigation results.

Submit the Form

Email Confirmation


Option 2: Referral via HealthLink

Referrals can be sent directly from your medical software via HealthLink.

Our practice HealthLink EDI is: markreed